I developed this game a bit long ago, and would like to share with the world.
Yes, ofcourse, we can optimize the code of c here, but i have concentrated only on desired functionality for this. Once, i got the desired result, i haven't looked into any of the line in this code. {Very bad habbit, i need to over come this.}
I hope you enjoy it, and correct if any problems occurs.
This game is for only 2 players, which will give you the realtime game feel with your opponent.
First find the code, and then instructions.
#include "stdio.h" #include "ncurses.h" #include "/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/include/libpq-fe.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "string.h" char symbol[3]; PGconn * PGconnect(char ch) { PGconn *conn; PGresult *res; FILE *fp; int cnt,i=0; char conn_string[500],hostaddr[32],port[7],dbname[50],user[50],password[50],name[10]; const char *paramValues[2]; fp=fopen("/tmp/.cred","r"); if(ch=='y') { fscanf(fp,"%[^:]s",hostaddr); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",port); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",dbname); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",user); fscanf(fp,":%s",password); sprintf(conn_string,"hostaddr=%s port=%s dbname=%s user=%s password=%s",hostaddr,port,dbname,user,password); } else { fscanf(fp,"%[^\n]s",conn_string); conn_string[0]='\0'; fscanf(fp,"\n%[^:]s",hostaddr); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",port); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",dbname); fscanf(fp,":%[^:]s",user); fscanf(fp,":%s",password); sprintf(conn_string,"hostaddr=%s port=%s dbname=%s user=%s password=%s",hostaddr,port,dbname,user,password); } conn = PQconnectdb(conn_string); if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) { fprintf(stderr,"Not able to connect to the database %s",PQerrorMessage(conn)); return NULL; } if(ch=='y') { res=PQexec(conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(conn,"DECLARE find_taken CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_control where taken=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(conn, "FETCH ALL in find_taken"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(conn,"END"); PQclear(res); if(cnt==0) { res=PQexec(conn,"TRUNCATE public.pggame_control"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(conn,"INSERT INTO public.pggame_control values(false,false)"); PQclear(res); } printf("Enter Your Name -> "); scanf("%s",name); paramValues[0]=name; printf("Enter Your Symbol -> "); scanf("%s",symbol); paramValues[1]=symbol; res=PQexec(conn,"TRUNCATE public.pggame_status"); PQclear(res); res=PQexecParams(conn,"INSERT INTO public.pggame_status(name,symbol,comments,status) values($1,$2,'',false)",2,NULL,paramValues,NULL,NULL,1); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "INSERT failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); } res=PQexec(conn,"TRUNCATE public.pggame_spots"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(conn,"TRUNCATE public.pggame_positions"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(conn,"INSERT INTO public.pggame_positions values(0,0)"); PQclear(res); fclose(fp); return conn; } int main() { int y=1,x=1,i=1,one=0; char ch,x1[10],y1[10],cnt,remote_spot_check[200]; PGconn *your_conn,*other_conn; PGresult *res; FILE *log; const char *paramValues[2]; log=fopen("/tmp/pggame.log","w"); if(!((your_conn=PGconnect('y'))&&(other_conn=PGconnect('o')))) return 1; initscr(); keypad(stdscr,TRUE); noecho(); x=1; y=1; while(x+10<140) { x=x+2; mvprintw(0,x+9,"-="); mvprintw(36,x+9,"-="); y=1; } y=0; while(y<35) { ++y; mvprintw(y,12,"."); mvprintw(y,141,"."); } y=2; x=15; refresh(); while(1) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_spots CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_spots"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_spots"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); if(cnt>=1) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE get_remote_pos CURSOR FOR select * from public.pggame_spots where ctid=(select max(ctid) from public.pggame_spots)"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in get_remote_pos"); y=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); x=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,1)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE get_symbol CURSOR FOR select symbol from public.pggame_status"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in get_symbol"); mvprintw(y+1,x+15,"%s",PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); } res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_win CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_status where status=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(other_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_win"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); if(cnt>=1) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_win CURSOR FOR select name from public.pggame_status where status=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(other_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_win"); mvprintw(15,40,"***** %s WIN The Game ***** .... Press Any Key To Exit ... ",PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); refresh(); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); getch(); getch(); endwin(); PQfinish(your_conn); PQfinish(other_conn); return 0; } res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_table CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_positions"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_table"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); if(cnt==1) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_table CURSOR FOR select * from public.pggame_positions"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_table"); y=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); x=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,1)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); mvprintw(37,125,"CONTROL ==>> "); mvprintw(y,x,""); } else { mvprintw(37,125,"CONTROL ==>> "); mvprintw(1,1,""); } refresh(); usleep(10000); one=0; continue; } mvprintw(37,125,"CONTROL <<== "); mvprintw(y,x,""); refresh(); if(cnt==0) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"UPDATE public.pggame_control SET taken=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Update failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(other_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); if(one==0) { one=one+1; res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_spots CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_spots"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_spots"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); if(cnt>=1) { res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE get_remote_pos CURSOR FOR select * from public.pggame_spots where ctid=(select max(ctid) from public.pggame_spots)"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in get_remote_pos"); y=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); x=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,1)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE get_symbol CURSOR FOR select symbol from public.pggame_status"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in get_symbol"); mvprintw(y+1,x+15,"%s",PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"DECLARE find_table CURSOR FOR select * from public.pggame_positions"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_table"); y=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); x=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,1)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); mvprintw(y,x,""); refresh(); } } res=PQexec(your_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"DECLARE find_spotted CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_control where spot=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(your_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_spotted"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"END"); PQclear(res); if(cnt>=1) { res=PQexec(your_conn,"UPDATE public.pggame_control SET taken=true where taken=false"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Update failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"UPDATE public.pggame_control SET taken=false where taken=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Update failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(other_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"UPDATE public.pggame_control set spot=false where spot=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Update failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); } } ch=getch(); if(ch=='q'||ch=='Q') break; switch(ch) { case 'a':case 'A': if(x==15) x=137; else x=x-2; mvprintw(y,x,""); break; case 's':case 'S': if(y==34) y=1; else y=y+1; mvprintw(y,x,""); break; case 'w':case 'W': if(y==1) y=34; else y=y-1; mvprintw(y,x,""); break; case 'd':case 'D': if(x==137) x=15; else x=x+2; mvprintw(y,x,""); break; case 'j':case 'J': res=PQexec(other_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); sprintf(remote_spot_check,"DECLARE find_same_spot CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_spots where y=%d and x=%d",y-1,x-15); res=PQexec(other_conn,remote_spot_check); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(other_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(other_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_same_spot"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(other_conn,"END"); if(cnt==0) { echo(); mvprintw(y,x,"%s",symbol); sprintf(y1,"%d",y-1); sprintf(x1,"%d",x-15); paramValues[0]=y1; paramValues[1]=x1; res=PQexecParams(your_conn,"INSERT INTO public.pggame_spots(y,x) values($1,$2)",2,NULL,paramValues,NULL,NULL,1); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(log, "INSERT failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); noecho(); refresh(); } } sprintf(y1,"%d",y); sprintf(x1,"%d",x); paramValues[0]=y1; paramValues[1]=x1; res=PQexecParams(your_conn,"INSERT INTO public.pggame_positions(y,x) values($1,$2)",2,NULL,paramValues,NULL,NULL,1); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(log, "INSERT failed: %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"BEGIN"); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"DECLARE find_win CURSOR FOR select count(*) from public.pggame_status where status=true"); if (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_COMMAND_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Erorr %s", PQerrorMessage(your_conn)); PQclear(res); } PQclear(res); res = PQexec(your_conn, "FETCH ALL in find_win"); cnt=atoi(PQgetvalue(res,0,0)); PQclear(res); res=PQexec(your_conn,"END"); if(cnt>=1) { mvprintw(15,40,"***** CONGRATULATIONS !! ***** You WIN The Game .... Press Any Key To Exit ..."); refresh(); getch(); getch(); PQfinish(your_conn); PQfinish(other_conn); endwin(); return 0; } } getch(); PQfinish(your_conn); PQfinish(other_conn); endwin(); return 0; }SQL for Postgres
DROP TABLE public.pggame_positions CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.pggame_spots CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.pggame_status CASCADE; DROP TABLE public.pggame_control CASCADE; DROP VIEW coord_sum; CREATE TABLE public.pggame_spots(y int,x int); CREATE TABLE public.pggame_positions(y int,x int); create view coord_sum as select e1.y+e1.x as cosum from pggame_spots e,pggame_spots e1 where (e.y,e.x) in (select yy,xx from (select e.y as yy,e1.y as y1,e.y-e1.y diffy,e.x as xx,e1.x as x1,e.x-e1.x diffx from pggame_spots e,pggame_spots e1 where e.y-e1.y between -4 and 4 and e.x-e1.x between -8 and 8) as foo group by yy,xx having array_agg(diffy)@>ARRAY[0,1,2,3,4] and (array_agg(diffx)@>ARRAY[0,-2,-4,-6,-8] or array_agg(diffx)@>ARRAY[0,2,4,6,8])); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PUBLIC.PGGAME_INSERT_TO_UPDATE() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE CNT INT; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO CNT FROM pggame_positions; IF(CNT=0) THEN RETURN NEW; ELSE UPDATE pggame_positions SET y=new.y,x=new.x; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TRIGGER PGGAME_INSERT_TO_UPDATE_TRIGG BEFORE INSERT ON public.pggame_positions FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.PGGAME_INSERT_TO_UPDATE(); CREATE TABLE PUBLIC.PGGAME_CONTROL(TAKEN BOOLEAN,SPOT BOOLEAN); INSERT INTO PUBLIC.PGGAME_CONTROL VALUES(FALSE,FALSE); create table public.pggame_status(name varchar,symbol char(1),comments varchar,status boolean); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PUBLIC.PGGAME_SPOTS_DUP_PREVENT() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE CNT INT;BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO CNT FROM public.pggame_spots where y=new.y and x=new.x; IF(CNT>=1) THEN RETURN NULL; ELSE UPDATE PUBLIC.PGGAME_CONTROL SET SPOT=TRUE WHERE TAKEN=FALSE; RETURN NEW; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TRIGGER PGGAME_SPOTS_DUP_PREVENT_TRIGG BEFORE INSERT ON public.pggame_spots FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.PGGAME_SPOTS_DUP_PREVENT(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PUBLIC.PGGAME_STATUS_CHECK() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE CNT INT; BEGIN select count(x) into cnt from pggame_spots e where y=new.y and 5=(select count(*) from pggame_spots e1,(select generate_series(0,8,2) as seq) as e2 where e.x=e1.x+e2.seq and e1.y=new.y); IF(CNT>=1) THEN UPDATE PUBLIC.PGGAME_STATUS SET COMMENTS='WIN THE GAME',STATUS=TRUE WHERE NAME IS NOT NULL; ELSE select count(Y) into cnt from pggame_spots e where X=new.X and 5=(select count(*) from pggame_spots e1,(select generate_series(0,4,1) as seq) as e2 where e.y=e1.Y+e2.seq and e1.x=NEW.x); IF(CNT>=1) THEN UPDATE PUBLIC.PGGAME_STATUS SET COMMENTS='WIN THE GAME',STATUS=TRUE WHERE NAME IS NOT NULL; ELSE select count(*) into cnt from pggame_spots e where 5=(select count(*) from (select e.y+generate_series(0,4,1),e.x-generate_series(0,8,2) from pggame_spots e1 intersect select * from pggame_spots )as sub); IF(cnt>=1) THEN UPDATE PUBLIC.PGGAME_STATUS SET COMMENTS='WIN THE GAME',STATUS=TRUE WHERE NAME IS NOT NULL; else select count(*) into cnt from pggame_spots e where 5=(select count(*) from (select e.y+generate_series(0,4,1),e.x+generate_series(0,8,2) from pggame_spots e1 intersect select * from pggame_spots )as sub); IF(cnt>=1) THEN UPDATE PUBLIC.PGGAME_STATUS SET COMMENTS='WIN THE GAME',STATUS=TRUE WHERE NAME IS NOT NULL; end if; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; CREATE TRIGGER PGGAME_STATUS_CHECK_TRIGG AFTER INSERT ON public.pggame_spots FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.PGGAME_STATUS_CHECK();Steps to run the game
Step 1:- Execute above SQL in your instance and in your opponent instance.
Step 2:- Require second player’s details in your pg_hba.conf Create a file “/tmp/.cred” => Your details. => Your opponent details.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH according to your 9.0 instance. Ex:- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib
gcc –o game game.c –L/opt/PostgreSQL/9.0/lib –lpq –lncurses
1. Use a,s,d,w for movements and j for spot the symbol.
1. Use a,s,d,w for movements and j for spot the symbol.
a => Left
s => Down
d => Right
w => Up
j => For spot the symbol, and then one of the movement key.
Game Rules
If you can frame the linear series of the length 5 then you are the winner. We can frame the series as horizontal/vertical/diagonal.
Symbol is “*”
* * * * * => Winner
* => Winner
* => Winner
* => Winner
Winner needs to start the new game.
Sample screen shots
Dinesh Kumar
Awesome. Thank a lot. I tried many times with your code.
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