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Windows Pg_Dump Script

Hi ,

I recently developed a pg_dump windows based script, which can help us to schedule the pg_dump through pg_Agent or through windows scheduler.

This script also having the backup retention policy and in any case it retain the last two consistant backups. i.e, if the current backup is successful, then it will remove the 2nd last backup from the backup location .


REM pgAgent Windows Pg_Dump Script 

set BIN="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin"
set BACKUPLOC="C:\Dump"
set LOGLOC="C:\Dump"
set USER=%3
set PORT=%2
set DT=%date%
set HOST=%1
%BIN%\psql -Atq -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% -c "select translate(replace('%DT%','/','_'),' ','_');" postgres >_TMP
set /p DT=<_TMP

REM Creating Scheduled Backup

%BIN%\psql -Atq -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% -c "select replace('%DATABASES%','""','');" postgres > _TMP
%BIN%\psql -Atq -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% -c "select 'Pg Dump Start For DB %%D Time :: ' || now();" postgres >> %LOGLOC%\pgDump_%DT%.log
if %DUMP_MODE% EQU CUSTOM ( %BIN%\pg_dump -f %BACKUPLOC%\%HOST%_%%D_%PORT%_pgDump_%DT%.dmp -Fc -b -c -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% %%D 2>_Error ) else ( if %DUMP_MODE% EQU TAR ( %BIN%\pg_dump -f %BACKUPLOC%\%HOST%_%%D_%PORT%_pgDump_%DT%.dmp -Ft -b -c -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% %%D ) else ( if %DUMP_MODE% EQU PLAIN ( %BIN%\pg_dump -f %BACKUPLOC%\%HOST%_%%D_%PORT%_pgDump_%DT%.dmp -Fp -b -c -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% %%D ) else ( exit ) ) ) >> %LOGLOC%\pgDump-%DT%.log 
FOR %%E IN ( _Error ) DO IF %%~zE EQU 0 (  FOR /f "tokens=*" %%F IN ( ' dir  /a /b /O-D %BACKUPLOC%\%HOST%_%%D_%PORT%_pgDump*.dmp^|more +%RETAIN_LAST_BACKUPS% ') DO ( echo %%F >>_Files_To_Delete  )  ) else (
echo Error Occured, Hence Keeping The Last Backups As It Is And Removing This Error Caused Dump ..
del /Q %BACKUPLOC%\%HOST%_%%D_%PORT%_pgDump_%DT%.dmp

%BIN%\psql -Atq -h %HOST% -U %USER% -p %PORT% -c "select 'Pg Dump End For DB %%D Time :: '||now();" postgres >> %LOGLOC%\pgDump-%DT%.log

REM Doing Retention Policy..
FOR /f "tokens=*" %%R IN ( 'type _Files_To_Delete' ) DO (  DEL /Q %BACKUPLOC%\%%R  )
DEL /Q _Files_To_Delete 

How to run
Script_Name <host> <Port> <User> "<DB1>,<DB2>,<DB3>,..."
à°¦ిà°¨ేà°·్ à°•ుà°®ాà°°్
Dinesh Kumar


  1. Not so far I have found new cool tool to work with postgresql on win - Valentina Studio. Its free edition can do things more than many commercial tools!!
    I very recommend check it.

  2. Good work. You have taken care of many possibilities.


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