Here is the script in windows for refference and will the PostgreSQL DB availability. If configure mail_send command in windows, we can send e-mails as well.
set PSQL="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin"
set DBNAME="template1"
set USER="postgres"
set PORT="5432"
set RES="Not Pinging"
%PSQL%\psql -Atq -c "SELECT 'ping'" -p %PORT% -U %USER% %DBNAME% > _Res.txt
set /p RES=<_Res.txt
echo %RES%
IF %RES% EQU ping (echo "No need to send any exceptional e-mail") else (echo "PostgreSQL seems not pinging.. Need to send an e-mail to RDBA")
Hope this helps you a lot ...
Here is the script in windows for refference and will the PostgreSQL DB availability. If configure mail_send command in windows, we can send e-mails as well.
set PSQL="C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.1\bin"
set DBNAME="template1"
set USER="postgres"
set PORT="5432"
set RES="Not Pinging"
%PSQL%\psql -Atq -c "SELECT 'ping'" -p %PORT% -U %USER% %DBNAME% > _Res.txt
set /p RES=<_Res.txt
echo %RES%
IF %RES% EQU ping (echo "No need to send any exceptional e-mail") else (echo "PostgreSQL seems not pinging.. Need to send an e-mail to RDBA")
Hope this helps you a lot ...
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