Hi, Find the below DBLINK concepts in PostgreSQL, PostgresPlus as well. PostgreSQL ---------- Foreign Data Wrapper -------------------- This is the one utility which encapsulates the data from the different Database servers using Handler functions. Ex:- In PG 9.1, we can encapsulates the data from My Sql and store to PostgreSQL using handlers. CREATE FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER HANDLER VALIDATOR ; Currently(<= 9.0) PostgreSQL compatible with only remote PostgreSQL. From 9.1 onwards, we can make the PostgreSQL to communicate with SQL Server/My SQL through these wrappers. Servers ------- This is the one object which is having the Data wrapper methodology as well the remote host connectivity details. Ex:- CREATE SERVER FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER OPTIONS (address , port ,dbname ); User Mapping ------------ This is the one object which maps the current dbserver user/role to remote dbserver user. Ex:-CREATE USER MAPPING FOR SERVER OPTIONS (username , password ); DBLINK ...