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Showing posts from 2017

pgBucket 2.0 Beta Is Ready

I am so glad to announce pgBucket 2.0 beta version, which is evolved from the version 1.0. Below are this version feature highlights and hoping that everybody likes these features. Event jobs (Cascading jobs) Dedicated configuration file Extended table print Auto job disable Custom job failure Dedicated connection pooler Improved the daemon stability/coding standards Please find the below URL for the features review. dineshopenscg/pgbucket/ overview --Dinesh

PostgreSQL High Performance Cookbook

Sharing knowledge which I have gained from last 6 years. So glad to be part of PostgreSQL High Performance Cookbook, where I have discussed all the knowledge I have gained from PostgreSQL database. PostgreSQL High Performance Cookbook Working with PostgreSQL from last 6 years, I have gained so much of knowledge about database management systems. Being a DBA for several years, I explored so many tools which work great with PostgreSQL database. During this 6 years journey, I got a chance to meet many wonderful peoples who guided me very well. I would like to say thanks to everyone who taught me PostgreSQL database in soft/hard ways :-). Also, would like to say thanks to every PostgreSQL developer, and authors and bloggers, from where I have learned many more things. Finally thanks to OpenSCG team Thanks to my wife manoja  for her wonderful support, and my friend Baji Shaik for his help in writing the content.