Our team recently got a problem, which is to solve the N-Node multi master replication in PostgreSQL. We all know that, there are some other db engines like Postgres-XC which works in this way. But, we don't have any tool available in PostgreSQL, except Bucardo. Bucardo is the nice solution for 2-Nodes. Is there a way we can exceed this limitation from 2 to N..? As an initial step on this, I have done with 3 Nodes, which I believe, we can extend this upto N. { I might be wrong here.} Please follow the below steps to set up the 1 - 1 multi master replication. 1. Follow the below steps to get all the pre-requisites for the Bucardo. yum install perl-DBIx-Safe or apt-get install libdbix-safe-perl Install the below components from CPAN. DBI DBD::Pg Test::Simple boolean (Bucardo 5.0 and higher) Download the latest tarball from here . tar xvfz Bucardo-4.4.8.tar.gz cd Bucardo-4.4.8 perl Makefile.PL make sudo make install 2. We need to create plperl extension in db. For t...