Hi, The best way to track the oracle errors is throug it's ORACLE Error log files. However, we do have one more manual mechanism to track all those ERROR Messages in Database using "SERVERERROR" DDL Triggers. Please find the below steps to achieve this. Step 1 ====== SQL> GRANT ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER TO <USERNAME>; Step 2 ====== create table oraerror ( id NUMBER, log_date DATE, log_usr VARCHAR2(30), terminal VARCHAR2(50), err_nr NUMBER(10), err_msg VARCHAR2(4000), stmt VARCHAR2(4000) ); Step 3 ====== create sequence oraerror_seq start with 1 increment by 1 minvalue 1 nomaxvalue nocache nocycle; Step 4 ====== CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER after_error AFTER SERVERERROR ON DATABASE DECLARE pragma autonomous_transaction; id NUMBER; sql_text ORA_NAME_LIST_T; v_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); n NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT oraerror_seq.nextval INTO id FROM dual; n := ora_sql_txt(sql_text); IF n ...