Hi, Here are the steps how to use EnterpriseDB EDBLDR. Step 1: Create Control file like in Oracle using "sqlldr" [enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ more csv.ctl LOAD DATA INFILE '/tmp/test1.csv' BADFILE '/tmp/test.bad' DISCARDFILE '/tmp/test.dsc' INSERT INTO TABLE test FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," (t date) Step 2: Create/Generate CSV Files like as below [enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ more /tmp/test1.csv "10-10-10 10:10:10" Step 3: Create the required table structure. In this example, we have taken only one column with the table name called test(t timestamp). CREATE TABLE TEST(T timestamp); Step 4: Execute the EDBLDR as using the below command. [enterprisedb@localhost bin]$ ./edbldr -d edb -p 5444 userid=enterprisedb/adminedb control=csv.ctl NOTICE: the specified DATE mask (dd-mm-yy hh:mi:ssAM) will be ignored by the server EDB*Loader: Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 EnterpriseDB. Successfully loaded (1) records --Dinesh